last friday was a blast peeps! si pekja mmg bijak mengatur majlis and the outcome was amazingly superb. alkisahnye nk celebrate birthday si ayu secara diam2 [secret la maksudnye]. lalu cerita diatur begini:
1. pekja organize event dgn mengajak the riverian bratz including parents and family ayu.
2. tk dilupakan wan pekja yg rupenye mcm wan aku.
3. si sarul aka sentil jua dijemput bagi memeriahkan acara [sentil ni boyfriend si ayu].
4.ikmal ditugaskan utk membawak ayu keluar..ala2 cm nk ajak lepak la tp sebenarnye nk dibwk ke umah pekja. sad thing was, ikmal was rawly rejected [ditolak mentah2].
5. akhirnye dgn bantuan adik ayu, ayu was managed to be dragged to pekja's.
6.event bermula!!
it was great la seriously. dayah as usual dgn perangai tipahnyer. pekja being the host was so busy melayan tetamu. aku dgn separa malunyer melayan diri sendiri. haha. lambat jgk abes majlis tu. around 3 baru everyone balik. yg tido kt umah pekja jgn ckpla pukul bapa baru start tido. yg aku tau, pekja was the last person tido cz dia busy upload gmbr kt facebuk.
here are the higlights of the nite yg aku suka:
1. dayah mmg buat semua org rase nk plaster mulut dia cz lawak2 dia buat everyone kejang perot. mmg dayah perit.
2. si alim balun donut jco yg aku makan. aku nk bagi dia rase je, end up dia telan semua..cis!
3. bubur mak pekja yg super duper lazat..wawawa! aku org first yg melantak
4. pesta pictures snappy! mmg cam whore...tia and eka mmg suke meng-hola-kn diri dlm each gmbr. tk ketinggalan dayah.
5. adegan spa q...hadoi...
6. aksi si alim menonggeng manje mengambil gmbr..walaupun kamera pinjam [kudos to dayah for the camera. baru beli tu]
7. sesi '2 minit' yg dibanggakan dayah...hampeh
8. aksi si sarul yg buat aku n alim gelak melampau.
9. aksi2 manje para pelakon spa q kt tepi kolam ikan pekja...lalala
10. adegan faiz tersepit kt kolam
aku spt biase ade hal hari sabtu. heh. but i managed to get everything back in order sebelum aku and mr. murdoch meluncur laju menuju kembali ke umah pekja. hang out dgn them [adi, tia, eka, dayah, pekja] b4 keluar angkut si alim to taqwa. all of us minum2 ptg smbil mengambil gmbr lagi [ish ish]...then around 6.40 pm, aku hantar alim balik. and there goes our weekend together. heh.
hmm...being with the bratz is like my own brand of heroine [pinjam ayat edward cullen jap]
all the fun, laughter, happiness makes me [and i'm sure the rest] feel so relax and at home. these are the people whom i grew up with, went to the same school together, same university [applies to adi]...
things like this make our bond even stronger. the riverians are never dead. be it 10 or 20 years later, i reckon this relationship will last.

si pekja ko panggel aku?
ha,aku igt sgt time kau tibe2 muncul kat umah aku bbrp jam lps kau klua (konon2 ade keje).
rupenye xsbr nk mengumpat same.
hahaha...mmg tkley lupe time lepak umah kau..
ReplyDeletebest best..
nk bubur~