Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sejarah Ternyata Berulang

Anda masih ingat tragedi "Excuse me"?
Ye, saya tahu. Agak sukar untuk dilupakan bukan?
Selasa/30 Jun 2009:
Menaiki kereta untuk mengambil zana di tusyen. Setelah parking kereta, mata melilau mencari Zana.
Wah, itu dia..rancak berbual bersama teman2 nya. Bagaimana hendak panggil? Dia membelakangkn kereta.
Dengan kuatnya diri ini menjerit ke arah seorang budak India yang berhampiran. Niat mahu meminta pertolongan budak itu untuk memanggil si Zana yg makin galak berbual.
"Excuse me!"
Budak India tk menoleh walau seinci. Ku jerit lagi.
"Excuse me!"
Kali ini lebih kuat. Masih lagi budak India senyap dan tidak menoleh.
Baru perasan, yang aku menjerit2 mcm orang gila sedangkan tingkap kereta tertutup penuh dan yang paling yaqin, kereta aku di park menyeberangi jalan tempat berdirinya budak India itu. Sampai mampos pun, tkde sape dengar.
Hendak tahu bagaimana akhirnya Zana masuk ke kereta dan kami terus pulang?
Aku guna handphone call dia.
Kan senang buat mcm tu dr mula?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ayah yang Yaqin

This entry is specially dedicated to my father, yang mmg sentiasa yaqin..ehem..
(1) Keyaqinan Pertama:
Harus menekan brek secara mengejut kerna sikit lagi mahu melanggar seorang nyah yang berpunggung kempis dan berdada jemput2 pisang melintas jalan.
Memaki hamun si maknyah keparat kerna tiba2 menonong mahu melintas jalan sedangkan sebelumnya hanya terpacak menayang diri yang kalau ditibai lunyai, dihenyak mampos.
Tahap yaqin:
Mendakwa nyah melintas jalan kerna mahu mengoratnya. Lalu ketawa smpi kejang perut.

(2) Keyaqinan Kedua:
Menonton "Gugu-Gaga Erra" di Astro bersama keluarga tercinta. Erra menceritakan saat melahirkan Aleesya. "Push! Push" --->antara kata doctor yang bersungguh menyambut bayi tersebut. Ayah bertanya, "Mcm mane nk push tu?"
Ibu menerangkan yang analogy push push tu dilakukan seperti ketika meneran tahi yang sipu2 mahu terjulur keluar dr dubur. "Owh, cmtu" ---->reaksi ayah yang mengangguk2 kecil tanda faham.
Tahap Yaqin:
Ayah seraya berkata, "eii, kalau dia push push tk keluar anak tp keluar taik cmne? Manelah tau time tu tibe2 pulak dia cirit-birit, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [membuat demonstrasi tahi menerobos keluar lalu terkena muke doctor]...Lalu terkekek2 gelak.

(3) Keyaqinan Ketiga:
Bersama ayah di Petronas Rahman Putra untuk mengisi minyak. Bangla Petronas dtg lalu menghulurkan bantuan [sesuatu yg tidak pernah dirasai oleh aku kalau diri ini berseorangan mengisi minyak]. Wah, galak sungguh ayah dan Bangla berborak. Ibarat bersahabat sudah lama. Amboi, bergurau senda pula..
Ayah mengucapkan terima kasih kpd Bangla. Ku tanya, "Ayah bole lak borak2 ngn Bangla tu. Siap bole gurau2 lagi". Ayah hanya tertawa.
Tahap Yaqin:
Dengan bernada poyo berkata, "Mesti dia ingat ayah ngn dia sekaum cz kaler kulit sama. Hmm, kalau dia call mak dia kt Bangladesh mst dia ckp, mak jgn risau, bangsa kita pun bole berjaya kt Malaysia"..Lalu ketawa suka hati..

(4) Keyaqinan Keempat:
Haa, ni tkde Situasi and Lalu, terus kpd Tahap Yaqin.
Tahap Yaqin:
"Ibu kau yang mengorat ayah dulu..ayah cool je. Ayah kn hensem. Time ayah main bola dulu, everytime pakai jersey kaler oren, mesti ade perempuan menjerit, "Abang baju Oren! Abang baju Oren!"

Di Saat Hati Ini Meronta

I'm feeling empty inside. Dont know why. Perhaps because I cant find myself adapting to the fact that MJ is forever gone. *patahlah hati~*
Me and ayah spent the whole weekend watching the tributes made for him..watching all of his music videos..singing along to the rythms..terkinje2.. *sigh..BIG one*
Note: I'd still cry everytime I listen to "Ben"..demmit

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shall I Go Empty Handed?

I was born to be me..not anyone else
I was raised to be me..not you
I was taught to fight well..not to mock
I was here for a reason..not because you told me so
Here I see life..I see wonders..I see all
Life I am proud of seeing..
wonders I am excited of figuring..
I see all..
Shall I go empty handed?
I reckon not

Monday, June 22, 2009

And that's why my last name is ISMAIL

Alhamdulillah, I am already one step closer of becoming a Lawyer. Just waiting for the PC [Practising Certificate] and I'm all ready! This entry is not really on the excitement and good times I had during the Call day and the gugu-gaga with the riverians. It's more on the other side, the roads I took, endured and faced to get to where I am today...and that my friend is a journey of which I embraced with a little help of someone named ISMAIL MOHD YUSOF.
20th June 2009 is the day I shall not forget. The day where my dreams, hopes and desires come together in a court room, witnessed by my family, friends, and learned petitioners. The day where I know for sure that I have made them proud..them, my parents.

One story I would like to share, a story that have changed my life entirely when I heard of it some 15 years ago.
The entire school was going for a 2 days trip to Malacca. Only $5 was needed for the trip. All standard 5 students were excited to join. All, except a boy whose father couldnt afford to pay even $5. Determined to go, despite several "No" from the mother, he packed all his clothings in a bag and rushed to the school. He was so mesmerized upon arrival to see 3 buses ready to embark on a journey with a few hundred standard 5 students. Knowing that he had no money to pay the trip, he waited and waited. Waited for a kind teacher to pay for him, to realize that there was a boy, the only boy who would be left alone.
He waited.
And waited.
He couldnt bear it anymore. He just let the tears streaming down his cheeks while seeing all the buses leaving the school compound. Deeply saddened for no one was benevolent to hand him a hope. Not even his teachers.
He was shunned for not being able to go.
He was abandoned for not being rich enough.
He was left alone in the school for being poor.
He cried and cried. Too sad to even walk. Too sad to even think.
There was his mother, whom had slowly followed him when he rushed out from the house. A mother who came to him and held him close to her chest.
A mother who cried along with her son. A mother who understood the pain, the sorrow, the frustration.
A mother who later whispered a saying, so clear to the son; "kau belajar betul2 mail, bila kau dah berjaya, ke langit hijau pun kau nak pergi, pergilah"

There is no such thing as "a green sky". But the boy understood it perfectly that with success, he could go anywhere, anywhere farther than Malacca.
The boy in the story is my father.

A phrase taken from the speech I prepared for the Call:- "She would like to dedicate this memorable day to them especially her father, Encik Haji Ismail bin Haji Mohd Yusof whom she considers as a great influence in her life. The Petitioner has always inspired by his words, stories, determination and success. Everything she does is not only about achieving her ambitions but it is also about fulfilling his hopes and completing his unfinished dreams."
When he had to reject the offer by JPA to pursue his Degree in the States, I completed my Degree for him.
When his dreams to continue his Master shattered, I'm pursuing my Master for him.
You see, grasping the excitement of achieving your dream is one thing, but seeing the smile on your parents' face is another. And that is priceless. Special note to Haji Ismail, no matter where I'd go, or what I'd be, I am forever your daughter and that's why my last name is ISMAIL.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pabila si Hatyai dan Hairi bertemu Riverians

Jumaat [5th June 2009]:

Hairi memulakan percaturan untuk berkunjung ke rumah. Ku tanya, "adakah si Hatyai itu akn turut bersama?" Hairi berkata iya. Makanya akn ada 2 ekor 'mangkuk tembaga' di rumahku mlm nnt. Perbualan disambung dgn aku bertanya kpd Hairi, apakah awal kedatangan beliau dan jua si Haytai. Dijawab sepi, "maybe lambat sket kot".

Ku katakan kepadanya, kalau awal bolehla melepak2 bersama teman2 sewel ku di sungai buloh. Ku mulakan rentak dgn lafaz bismillahirahmannirahim, pantas jari jemari menyusun kata membuat perjanjian dgn si Pekja.

Si Haytai pula bertanya, apakah agenda di malam hari. Ku katakan padanya mungkin akn ke mapley untuk bersama teman2. Di sambutnya mudah, "kalau Hairi dtg awal, bole la pg join". Sepanjang hari aku ym dgn si Hatyai. Kerja yg terhidang di atas meja hanya di pandang enteng gara2 excited yg haram jadah ingin menyambut ketibaan 2 ekor 'mangkuk tembaga' bertandang ke rumah demi menuju ke Pontian terchenta [aku jawabkn utk kau mary cz kau org johor]

Aku dan si sewel Pekja mengundang tetamu. [kita2 je bak ayat Pekja yg dipersetujui jua aku dan Ayu angkat kain jemuran hujan dh turun]..hmm, bagus so far semua yg diajak mampu hadir kecuali si Haizad kerna demam, si Ikmal kerna kerjanya [aku rindu mangkuk tu], si Bad kerna muntah yg berlarutan akibat terkena buatan orang [ehem, buatan hubby nyer kerna dia mengandung] dan jua si Aida yg sebabnyer aku lupa nk tanya ngn Pekja. Majlis diatur pukul 9 di Taqwa.

Pekja hadir awal mlm itu [excited ingin berjumpa Paiju barangkali]..aku meluncur laju menaiki Pumpkin ke Taqwa [bimbang si Pekja diculik org kalau dibiarkan lama2]..tidak lama kemudian yg lain menyusul.

Topik perbincangan di mlm itu:

1. Kronologi tragedi 'sikit-lagi-nk-terlanggar-si mak nyah keparat haram jadah-akibat- mahu mengorat ayah"
2. Kisah nyah berkecil hati [patahlah hati~]

3. Sesi Spa Q beramai2 [semua bernada pilu pabila Hairi tidak tahu apakah itu Spa Q...dey, lu dr planet mana?]

Kami suka. Kami hepi. Hairi dan Haytai suka. Budak sungai jua suka. Moral of the Story: GBS cool!!!! [Geng Budak Sungai]

Terima kasih diucapkan pd mereka yg hadir memeriahkan majlis mengumpat di Taqwa pd 5th June 2009:

1. Halim [si Panglima Melman merangkap KEMBAR aku]

2. Amad [Hang Amad si paduka Istana merangkap teman tp mesra Pengawal Hairi]

3. Pekja [Tun Pekja si Chief Dayang merangkap partner in crime Paiju]

4. Azhar [Memanda Ja'a si menteri bentara luar Istana]

5. Ayu [Dayang Ayu merangkap hakmilik kekal berserta cop SIRIM Dato Bentara Mahesh]

6. Mahesh [Dato Bentara Luar yg tk lapuk dek hujan dan tk lekang dek panas]

7. Mary [si Inai Istana yg baru masuk keje]

8. Hairi [si Pengawal yg jua baru masuk]

9. Dayah [Permaisuri Istana yg gemar mencemar duli dgn mengajak staf2 Istana berborak]; dan akhir sekali

10. Paiju [Bentara muda Paiju yang sanggup membelah bumi dan mencabar hali-lintar demi Istana yg terchenta....hahahahaha]
Istana= TAQWA

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jay Bee...JAi HO!

Hari ini hari Rabu..esok hari Khamis..lagi esok hari Jumaat..lagi2 esok Sabtu..lagi3 esok Ahad..haa, ape yg ade hari Ahad? semestinya wedding of the month of Ben and Yaya..but sorry guys, not here to talk bout their wedding but rather what steps to do before we reach to Yaya's crib which is located in Pontian and Pontian tu di mana kwn2? Of course la di JOhor.
Hairi and I dh discuss on this trip since last few months. tk sabar nk ride Jantan. I wanna ride you baby!!! [buat suara gersang sket...btw Jantan tu adalah Myvi si Hairi..bukan Hairi himself] ehem..carry on. Si Hatyai dh ditugaskan oleh Hairi si Boss besar tu get everyone informed and prepared cz on Friday after keje, everyone will be at my crib utk tido [berpeleseran with my family jua dialu-alukan]
Makanya si Hatyai secretary si Hairi Boss besar dh menjalankan tugas. Di buatnya event di FB lalau dicanang pd semua [juz aku and a few je] supaya mereadykan diri starting from Friday. gmbr map jua diletak sekali. Ternyata secretary yg mantap. Pandai Hairi si Boss besar mencari Hatyai si secretary.
Currently waiting for that Friday to come..tk sabar rasenyer mahu berpeleseran meredah jalan yg lurus menuju ke Johor menaiki Jantan...hmm