Thursday, April 16, 2009

The last 2 weeks and this morning [16.4.2009]


after 2 weeks meng-hibernate-kn diri kt umah, akhirnyer aku gigih melangkah ke ofis on monday [13.4.2009]. happy cz finally i got things to do and secara jujurnyer agak bosan di umah tk buat ape2. nk meronggeng pun bukan bole ajak sape2 pun cz the rest keje and ade yg study lagi. so these are the things yg aku buat kt umah sepangjang 2 weeks cuti:

1. bangun pagi [by pagi i mean pagi ok, bukan pukul 11 am] and start study..cop! sebelum tu hantar zana pg sekolah dulu then ikut ibu antar dodot pulak ke sekolah beliau [menarik tk?]

2. sambung study. kang lepas2 bosan blaja buat assignment lak..[kadar jam buat assignment tk impressive cz tgh type je akn berlaku sesi lappy meng-shut down-kn diri atau dlm bahase yg sudah diketahui umum as "lappy ku meletop"

3. lunch sebelum bergegas ikut ibu amek dodot. then time antar dia pg sekolah rendah pun kene ikut jugak [oh ye, time pagi dodot pg sekolah agama]...then kene lak tunggu zana balik dr sekolah [again, menarik tk?]

4. balik dr sesi menghantar-menjemput aku sambung lame cz lepas tu terus naik atas tgk tv. 4 jam lepas tu turun balik cz nk tido. mlm lak kene antar zana pg tusyen then 2 jam lepas tu amek dia bwk balik umah. ikut ati nk je suruh dia jln kaki tp kang kalau kene culik, cmner? [walaupun di dlm ati berkata sape jelah yg nk culik kau? tgh badan kau pun takot]

itu lah most of it. ade one time pg court cz mahu ketemu sama itu uncle murali [for the long call papers]..heh. uncle tu kalau time dia tk PMS mmg baik.

ape lagi? oh ye, last sunday [12.4.2009] pg celebrate birthday pekja kt bangi kopitiam.heh nk nangis ye pekja cz terharu? toksah la, nnt halim pun nangis [apakah?] haha...cumenyer agak tidak menarik cz ramai yg cudnt make it. ade yg keje dan sebagainyer. si mahesh tk involve kerna si melur beliau malas nk pg fetch him up kt shah alam...akibatnyer si halim makan tk kenyang [walaupun melantak bagai nk rak]


enough said, secara kesimpulannye aku satisfied dgn cuti yg diberikan cz i think the time given was quite ample for me to really focus on my coming papers. almaklum aku pemalas orangyer. but agak sedikit terguris cz someone i care claimed that i have bailed on him twice. i would never do that to the people i love. not to him of course. but i guess we have sorted it out. cumenyer the moral i can conclude is that next time, i should really plan things out so that tkde sape yg akn sentap dgn aku. mak sensitif sket kalau ade sape2 sentap ngn mak...nnt mak nangis nyah.

hmm, jam menunjukkn pukul 7.10 pm and aku still di ofis. waiting for ayah to pick me up. nk drive sendiri skrg tkbole cz kak linda dh 'mkn' parking card aku..heh. gamaknyer kene tunggu dia balik dr dubai luahkan kad tu dulu baru aku bole gigih bwk mr.murdoch dtg ofis.

and pagi td Arsenal beat Villareal 3-0 and moved to the semi with the aggregrate 4-1! yeehuu!
*ibarat kate teman ayah-"Villareal tu mcm Aston Villa je"*
haha..he's funny.
so next match is a face-to-face battle between Arsenal and Man u------>shud i be worried? nah!

at this very moment everything comes back to me.
all the beautiful memories- lepak dpn river bank with zamer, menggile kt TAILERAG ngn fiza, meen, fahd and arasu, yearbook batch kak huda, hanging out session with her, kak munie, axem, and the rest...all my times with the used-to-be 'gangstarz' [thinking bout it makes me barf]..seriously, jgn la ade perangai pondan2 tu cz it moves u to absolute nowhere!
and last but not least dgn budak2 sungai childhood army. heh

dah la tu...nk pg terkucil


  1. used to be "gangstarz"???haha..aku pon bile terpk rase nk puke..sbb bnyk perasaan yg bercampur..frust+happy+klaka+sayang+benci+rindu+menyampah..bnyk la..bile dh bnyk sgt perasaan yg brcampur aduk, tu yg nk muntah tu..

    huhu...but seriously, knowing them is a bless..made me learn everything...from fallacy to veracity..*eh tu mcm tajuk blog aku je?!*
