Friday, July 23, 2010

Rajin Betul Buat Entry Hari Ni

Ye saya mmg rajin

Sekalipun Hati Bentak Berdarah, You are Still a Twat

I dont need a bomoh to be happy, but I know you need a surgeon to move your brain and put it right where it belongs...your anus
I dont need a bomoh to have someone as my other half, but I know you need a bridge somewhere for you to perform the ritual of "mandi-bawah-jambatan-kasik-buang-itu-siyal"
I dont need my father to tell me how to behave myself, but I know you need any random human being to tell you "jangan la bingak sgt"
I dont need NO ONE to tell me how fat I am, but I KNOW even with your skinny figure you will still stay as a twat
Wanna know why?
Cz dudes love meat!

Sometimes, less is More

At times, it can be vulgar
It can be over
It can be ridiculous
But I dont mind to slow down
At times, less is more
So long that I know and you know
So long that we both know

Monday, July 5, 2010


I'm just depressed