Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ini Faiz Ismail Cakap [tiru fynn jamal]

If I may ask,
Define 'moving on'
Interprete it
Enlighten me
If I may say,
Your definition is wrong
Your interpretation is a shun
I am not enlightened
If I may tell,
Redefine it properly
Reinterprete it with wisdom
Then you will be spared-from hatred-from ill feelings-from poisonous mind
If I may speak,
Stop uttering "I've moved on"
Stop acting like one
Because believe me when I say, you are not even close
If I may mum,
It doesnt mean that I condone
It doesnt mean that I allow
It doesnt mean that I permit
If I may enlighten you why,
Because it is not my way
Because it is not our way
And definately it is not suppose to be your way
If I may leave you with one question,
Are we acceptable to all?
When a soul embraces us with a smile
Another soul might stab us with evil