Monday, February 22, 2010

No specific Title

Faiz: "Dot, how to spell kerbau in english?"

Dodot: [so into her homework..ignoring the question]

Faiz: "wei, how to spell kerbau in english?"

Dodot: [annoyed] "Ish, C.O.W"

Faiz: "itu lembu la..i want kerbau."

Dodot: [ignoring Faiz..focusing on her homework. Owh, she was doing her math]

Faiz: "Acha..cmner nak eja kerbau in english?"

Dodot: [still ignoring]

Faiz: "kerbau is to spell it in english?"

Dodot: [furious].. "it's F.A.I.Z.U.R.A...buffalo!!"

Faiz: .......